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Here you will find all services related to Evolutionary Numerological Maps.
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Evolutionary Numerological Map
Duration varies / 80€
Evolutionary numeralogy is a therapeutic tool that supports you on your journey and helps you understand patterns in your life.
Through this therapy you will know:
what are you coming to learn, what is your gift,
what is your mission, what karmas do you overcome,
what is your path, what is the energy of your soul,
how you are seen by others, how your mind works,
what is the energy of your heart, how the other listens to you,
what is the energy of your house, what your car says about you,
what are the blocks, the past, your present and the future.
*The study of the numerological map is sent in audio format.
Numerological Map of Couple
Duration varies / 80€
In order to be happy in a loving relationship, it is important to know how each one works in love.
With the help of evolutionary numeralogy, it is possible to understand what each person is like, what they have to work on individually and as a couple. What kind of relationship is yours, how do you think, how do you express yourself and how can you better understand each other.
It is an analysis that aims to support couples who want to have greater awareness of the relationship, following a constructive path of evolution as a couple.
*The double map study is sent in audio format.